
    Skill Education

    Kendriya Vidyalayas offer skill education programs akin to the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) to enhance the vocational skills of students. These programs aim to equip students with practical skills and knowledge that are relevant to various industries and sectors.

    KVs in Skill Hub Initiative (SHI) under PMKVY 3.0

    Towards the goal of integrating Vocational Education with general education, as envisaged in NEP 2020, MoE and MSDE have envisioned skill training at skill hubs across the country identified from education and skill ecosystems.

    As per the directions of MoE, KVS has identified 300 KVs across the country to be developed as Vocational Education Hubs and to be used for out of school/out of education youth skilling after school hours as a part of pilot project under the Skill Hub Initiative of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship.

    Our KV have started skill course of Domestic Data Entry Operator for out of school candidates. 30 candidates have completed the course in IT-ITES sector in the session 2022-23.

    KVs in skill Hub Inititative (SHI) under PMKVY 4.0

    Based on the challenges faced in implementing earlier phases of PMKVY and the learnings gathered, the next phase of PMKVY, i.e., PMKVY 4.0 under the umbrella scheme of the “Skill India Programme” is being implemented between FY 2022-2026.

    PMKVY 4.0 is being realigned with a core focus on making the existing skill ecosystem more flexible, swift, and geared to meet the current challenges and emerging needs through process simplification.

    Our KV have started skill courses of Assistant Yoga Instructor for out of school candidates. 30 candidates have completed the course in Healthcare sector in the session 2023-24.

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